According to a European study, general digital skills in Europe. It shows that almost 28% of Europeans have a low digital level skills in 2019 (Source: European DataLab, according to Eurostat), and refugees are very often victims of this, while digital technology is paradoxically their main vector of information and integration.
Migrants and refugees often find it difficult to access digital courses or services due to language barriers and lack of the infrastructure, the means of electronic identification and the digital skills necessary to use these services.
In the continuity of the Intercult project (, which has enabled social actors and trainers to improve their intercultural skills, the ICC project wishes to strengthen the capacities of socio-professional integration actors in the practices innovative digital technologies, offering appropriate training to improve the chances of success for those who encounter difficulties that deprive them of access to digital uses.
The model proposed here will be based on the identification of key and cross-cutting skills common to the EU to be developed in order to be applied within the framework of training in digital uses offered such as DigComp.
The intercult connected campus for trainers, provide innovative training through the development of interactive tools and pedagogical contents.The idea is to develop a concrete educational action plan including the delivery of an interactive online platform made up of MOOCs adapted to meet the needs of learners.
Specific Objectives
Through the ICC project we aspire to:
- create a learning management system that uses new learning and training technologies
- produce, in a participatory context, catalogs of mixed semi-distance and face-to-face training activities.
- Promote the acquisition of digital skills from European digital skills benchmarks.

The ICC Project Team will create

This program is developed to support in the digital transition
- Module 1: Digital Tools: introduction to the range of digital tools available to support migrant learners.
- Module 2: Digital Strategies: Introduction to gamification, challenged-based learning and samples of free tools that embed these strategies
- Module 3: Motivating and Supporting Learners
- Module 4: Introduction to the Toolkit of Interactive Infographics for learners
- Module 5: Cultural Awareness and Intercultural dialogue
- Module 6: Cultural Mediation (opportunities and challenges) and how to manage this in the classroom

The infographic resources are interactive and require some digital skills as they will be available through the online platform. The trainers will help the beneficiaries to use the online material.

The ICC Learning Platform for fosters an inclusive digital learning environment for grantees that utilizes new learning and training technologies. All learning resources and training materials are available on the ICC MOOC.

Générations Solidaires Val d'Oise 95
Spectrum Research Centre CLG
Spectrum Research Centre (SRC) was established in 2017 to support young academics to bring their research into action. SRC was founded specifically at the request of local social and academic researchers and post-graduate students, who identified a local need to develop a space where research hypotheses and findings can be validated through local actions. At the outset, SRC aimed to support academics throughout their research activities; however, as the company has grown, the aim is now also to provide academics with opportunities to give their research a European perspective.

KU TU EOOD is a marketing and communications agency and consultancy, focused on the development of attractive marketing, communication and advertising products for a wide variety of organisations and sectors. The company is also involved in European cooperation projects for providing non-formal education opportunities applicable to different target groups in the fields of language teaching and learning, integration of migrants, active citizenship, promotion of tolerance, anti-discrimination and inclusion of marginalized groups, facilitating access and inclusion on the labour market, etc.

ALK was established in 2005 as a network of professionals working in the fields of education and counselling. We regularly organize conferences, seminars, training courses, educational programs and events for our members and associate professionals in order to acquire a particular qualification, skills and practical abilities. ALK’s mission is to support new methods and forms of education, to support trainers and professionals working in education, national and international networking between professionals and services for the community. ALK today has more than 400 professional and expert members (teachers, counsellors, social and professional counsellors, psychologists, seminar leaders and business professionals) covering the whole Czech Republic. We regularly take part in national and international projects focused on lifelong learning, teaching methods, e-learning, distance education, special support methods, integration programs, sustainable development.
More information is available on our website:
Iniciativas de Futuro para una Europa Social” (IFESCOOP) is a non-profit cooperative which works with the regional and local Public Administration (Regional Government and City Municipalities), Social Partners (Trade Unions and Employers Associations), as well as many other institutions and organisations in different fields, mainly related to adult education and vocational training. IFESCOOP provides vocational training for different target groups, where priority is given to specific disadvantaged groups such as migrants, women, disadvantaged people, etc. At European level, “Iniciativas de Futuro para una Europa Social“ promotes and develops international projects within the framework of the programs of the European Union.
Web site:

Pilot Event
A local working group in each partner country will test and validate the training program (PPR1), the infographics resources (PPR2) and the MOOC Learning platform (PPR3) to assess aspects of the training program that could be improved and/or modified and how according to the objectives of the results of the project.
ICC National Seminars
During these events, the resources and educational materials of the ICC project are presented and shared with a very varied audience made up of representatives of local organizations and associative institutions, local authorities, adult education establishments, project beneficiaries, migrants and social workers. These operational seminars will take place locally in France, Spain, Bulgaria, Germany, Ireland, Czech Republic. The objective is to present, demonstrate and test the ICC learning platform, with its potential users – social workers, as well as different stakeholders.
Numéro de projet : 2021-1-FR01-KA220-VET-000024839